The banks of the River Inn in Passau, Germany, were a picturesque setting for young children to play games. Yet one day, in 1894, a four-year-old boy fell through the thin ice covering the river, certain to drown in the ice-cold waters or be pulled by the swift current to his death on the rocks of the mountains. However, in an incredible feat of bravery for one so young, another four-year-old boy spotted the unfolding disaster and managed to pull the young child out, saving his life. The rescuer was called Johann Kuehberger, and he continued to try and help people in his life, later becoming a priest. He also altered the course of history in a way no one could foresee.
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People Who Have Altered The Course Of History…
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The banks of the River Inn in Passau, Germany, were a picturesque setting for young children to play games. Yet one day, in 1894, a four-year-old boy fell through the thin ice covering the river, certain to drown in the ice-cold waters or be pulled by the swift current to his death on the rocks of the mountains. However, in an incredible feat of bravery for one so young, another four-year-old boy spotted the unfolding disaster and managed to pull the young child out, saving his life. The rescuer was called Johann Kuehberger, and he continued to try and help people in his life, later becoming a priest. He also altered the course of history in a way no one could foresee.